Bird Board

Green Cay - warblers, eastern wood pewee, good hawk activity

This past weekend, Green Cay wetlands had some decent activity with the small canopy birds, as well as good raptor activity.

Lots of painted bunting, prairie warbler, palm warbler, black and white warbler, blue headed vireo, and at least for me a first - an eastern wood pewee in the chickee-hut forest area that I thought was an eastern phoebe from a distance, then maybe a least flycatcher when I saw wingbars, then finally ID'd as a pewee.

Hawk activity was good as well: 4-5 red-shouldered hawks active and chasing each other around, two northern harriers, several kestrels, and a very active merlin eating dragonflies in flight.

At least 4 belted kingfishers also out in the open, seemed to be having territorial fights and chases. Lots of chattering at eachother.


Joel Wilcox
almost 8 years ago

I had a male Hooded Warbler yesterday afternoon, on the south side of the eastern end of the boardwalk with the big chickee-hut, feeding near a very large tree trunk.

Justin Miller
almost 8 years ago

Interesting - I actually thought I saw a hooded as well - tried to get a shot of it and lost it. When I thought it reappeared, I took several shots, only to discover I had a common yellowthroat when I zoomed in. This was in that same area, around the chickee hut woods.

If you verified a sighting of a hooded, it gives me some hope that maybe I did indeed see one initially then lost it in the brush, and then a common yellowthroat came out a bit later which had be doubting my sighting!

Joel Wilcox
almost 8 years ago

There was an LBJ with the Hooded; I just had a glimpse as it flew past, thought it was an Ovenbird, but maybe it was the Yellowthroat.

This was by far my best look at a Hooded; perched (low) for near a minute not 10' away.

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