Bird Board

Green Cay very heavy with migrants. Flycatcher ID needed?

Green Cay was, like other parks reported throughout S. Florida, very dense with migrating or wintering species - dozens to hundreds of birds filling most of the tree canopies and stands through the park. Lots of species spotted, some in big numbers, others just one or two...lots of regulars were there morning through noon sharing spots and IDs. Included were: red-eyed vireo, white eyed vireo, prairie warbler, black and white warbler, black-throated blue warbler, yellow-throated warbler, common yellowthroat, magnolia warbler, summer tanager, ovenbird, swainson's warbler, great crested flycatcher.

I had one bird I couldn't identify - a small bird that appeared to be a flycatcher - I'm not too familiar with them, and of the birds with flycatcher in their name, I have only seen a LaSagra's and a great crested. I tried looking this one up, but can't quite figure - it seems to be closest to either least flycatcher or acadian flycatcher. Both would be new to me. Can anyone ID the attached photos?

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Justin Miller
about 7 years ago

ID seems to be skewing to Acadian flycatcher. I posted on a bird board and asked for some ID help, and that seems to be the consensus. Comments were: "Acadian for me (probably 1st winter) based on greenish back, pale malar, yellowish eye-ring, yellowish double wingbar and long primary projection", and " Yellow-bellied, although rare in FL, is a candidate but the pale malar and good sized bill point towards an Acadian that is just more yellow than normal below.".

This would be a new one for me.

Joseph Montes de Oca
about 7 years ago

Hey great pics! What a nightmare trying to pin these empid IDs down!

Justin Miller
about 7 years ago

Thanks - indeed they are quite difficult, especially for someone more a photographer than a birder!

If this is indeed an Acadian, which it seems to be - would this be considered a normal sighting in SE Florida, or would this be more of a rare sighting worth reporting to eBird, etc.? I know I've never photographed one before, but that doesn't necessarily make it a rare bird!

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