Bird Board
Great Day at Barnes
I had an outstanding at day at Barnes today and I'm sure all the other birders that were there would be the same. Highlights are below:
I personally saw 17 species of warblers and there were probably a couple other species seen by others. Highlights were Bay-breasted and Blackburnian.
First thing in the morning there were two empids in the Homeless Hammock, an immature Acadian and a bright Yellow-bellied Flycatcher that was quite skittish unfortunately. Overall I had 7 species of flycatchers in the park.
There were around 10 tanagers or so flying around the hammock, 8 Scarlet Tanagers and 2 Summer Tanagers. A male House Finch and multiple Rose-breasted Grosbeaks were also in there.
Other migrants included three vireo species, two thrush species, and several different raptor species.
As Hans mentioned the icing on the cake was a Mangrove Cuckoo feeding on a massive golden orb spider in Homeless Hammock several feet away from us. I don't know that I've ever heard of one being seen at this location. That was awesome to see.
A male House Finch was also in the legendary Homeless Hammock.
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