Bird Board

Good Birds at Cape Florida

I birded Bill Baggs SP this morning with Nico Salino. We had an excellent morning starting out in the swampy area behind the lighthouse compound where we had 3 thrush species (Veery, Swainson's Gray-cheeked/Bicknell's) and a nice Connecticut Warbler walking around.

We then moved over to the nature trail where we had 2 Red-eyed Vireos near the south end of the trail and were shocked to see a Mississippi Kite circling not far above about mid-way down the nature trail. We found another Connecticut Warbler just before the grassy mound and enjoyed nice numbers of warblers and Yellow-billed Cuckoos throughout. Here is a link to the ebird checklist with a sub-par photo (into the light) of the Mississippi Kite:


over 8 years ago

Connecticut warbler seen again today around 1pm. It was a few meters south of the Boating Grill restaurant and east of the bike path near a pile of dead palm fronds

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