Bird Board

Full Report Hugh Taylor Birch S.P. 4/25

I entered the park at 08:30 , left at 19:00 .
Obviously the highlight was a female Kentucky Warbler . I observed the bird for about a minute with diagnostic views from several angles . It even walked and then did the little flutter up about a foot or two to grab a morsal from the underside of a leaf. I searched for 2hrs after it flushed west across the main road into the thick stuff on the Audio Guided trail with no success . I also checked the road edges scanning countless Ovenbirds and many Common Yellowthroats. Also had a Swainsons Warbler and a female Blue-winged Warbler for a total of 15 species .I saw all Warblers I reported yesterday today as well ..No Black-whiskered Vireo but several Red-eyed including a couple trying to sing . No White-crowned Pigeon but I did have a nice male Rose-breasted Grosbeak , several Painted Buntings several Veery and 2 Gray-cheeked Thrushes .I don't work tomorrow . Gonna give it another try .
It was a GOOD DAY !!!
Good Birding ...


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