Bird Board

Evergreen mid afternoon 9/14

The north central section of The Cemetery was pretty active from 1330hrs-1600 today . 2 Fruiting Figs by the windchimes . Just sit on the little wall and watch . lol
2 distinctly different Blackburnians
several Cape Mays . Parulas . Prairies Redstarts
Bl,Thr Blue . More thorough report later .
Good birding


Judd Peold
about 8 years ago

Also at the Cemetery ,
Y.Thr. Warbler
a few Barn Swallows overhead
Short-tailed Hawk {light morph} circled over for a while.
Earlier at Birch I had Ovenbird for a 10 Warbler Sp. day .
8 Chimney Swift
Red-eyed Vireo
more Barn Swallows
Gnat catchers at both locations
good Birding

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