Bird Board

Everglades open, migrants and rarities abound!

The park is open up to Mrazek Pond, a walk through Long Pine Key in the early morning gave me a flyober group of Lesser Nighthawks and vocals Great Horned Owls, along with showy Downy and Red-bellied Woodpeckers, and large foraging groups of Towhees and Prairie Warblers.

A walk around Gumbo Limbo gave me eye level sights of Ovenbird, Worm-eating, Redstart, and Black-throated Warbler, along with the highlight being a Yellow-throated Vireo and a flyover Short-tailed Hawk. Anhinga Trail has high water levels so birdlife is low but the bellowing male alligators are fighting for their territories.

Outside of the park, around the Lucky Hammock area, the prairies give views of too many raptors to not notice, outside of Turkey and Black Vultures, Red-tailed, Northern Harrier and both Merlin and American Kestrel were seen on the power lines.

Take the chance of enjoying Everglades before the migration season is over, hopefully Flamingo will be open by next week for shorebird viewings.


Rangel Diaz
about 7 years ago

Thanks for the update! I'd like to checkout Mahogany Hammock asap!

Rock Jetty
about 7 years ago

Sorry Rangel, Mahogany Hammock and Gumbo Limbo, as well as Flamingo, remain closed. It will be a while before we can reopen either hammock, especially Gumbo Limbo. Mahogany will reopen as soon as the sawyers and arborists clear the huge trees that fell across the boardwalk. I'll keep everyone updated.


Rangel Diaz
about 7 years ago

I went this morning before reading your reply Rock and luckily the trail was open. Maybe they finished all the clearing yesterday?

Rock Jetty
about 7 years ago

You are correct sir, good timing!

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