Bird Board

Enchanted Forest - Arch Creek Parks Bird Walk - Saturday, April 16, 2016

A nice group of seventeen participants showed up for the TAS Enchanted Forest Park Bird Walk on Saturday, April 16, 2016. After a nice variety of migrants, including two Swainson's warblers plus a female Hooded Warbler located on Friday, we expected a repeat performance, especially after thinking the heavy rains in early evening would settle more migrants in the park. But apparently the cold front passed through overnight with clearing skies, and the birds moved on with their migration. The highlight of the Saturday walk was a beautiful male Hooded Warbler that was observed in the wooded area west of the horse stables. Worm-eating warblers were good numbers as well Ovenbirds. A male Indigo Bunting was at the bird feeder in Arch Creek Park. Thank you all that came for a really nice morning of birding in the park.


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