Bird Board

duck at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas Environmental Preserve, Wellington 5/15/16

Was anyone at this preserve last weekend who saw a ring-necked or related duck? I'm not sure what species I saw. Observed off and on over 1/2 hour at distance, but w/ excellent light. This solitary duck had a white flank, very dark head, neck, back, chest and tail and light eye. I could make out bluish-grey bill with a black tip, but could not make out any white markings around bill and got a good enough view I should have seen any appreciable white. The white flank wasn't completely square - slightly higher in front, but not what I'd comfortably call a "finger" - pattern very much like pictures of tufted duck, but I never saw a tuft. The bird was feeding in very shallow water, so behavior was more like a dabbling duck. When up-ended, could see white belly below the dark tail. Any suggestions appreciated. Thanks


Thomas Smith
over 8 years ago

There was a nice male Ring-necked Duck there today 5-16-16 hanging out with four Mottled Ducks. Sounds like what you saw.

over 8 years ago


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