Bird Board

Did you photograph any of these birds from Friday April 27th to Monday April 30th?

April 27th to April 30th was the iNaturalist City Nature Challenge ( ) and Miami was one of 60+ cities worldwide to participate. Even if you weren't aware it was going on, you can contribute if you have any photographs/audio recordings of birds that we are missing--listed below-- (or really photographs of any organisms- birds, plants, reptiles, fungi, fish etc) as long as they were taken between Friday and Monday.

Here is the list of species that we are missing. Some of them are as common as European Starling, loggerhead shrike etc!

american bittern
american crow
american white pelican
barn swallow
black-whiskered vireo
blue-and-yellow macaw
blue-headed vireo
broad-winged hawk
brown thrasher
brown-headed cowbird
carolina wren
cave swallow
chestnut-fronted macaw
common grackle
common nighthawk
cooper's hawk
downy woodpecker
eastern kingbird
european starling
glossy ibis
gray catbird
gray-headed swamphen
indigo bunting
least bittern
least tern
loggerhead shrike
mitred parakeet
myna bird
nanday parakeet
pileated woodpecker
piping plover
prairie warbler
red-eyed vireo
red-whiskered bulbul
red-winged blackbird
roseate spoonbill
royal tern
scaly-breasted munia
scarlet tanager
scissor-tailed flycatcher
short-tailed hawk
snail kite
snowy egret
swallow-tailed kite
white-eyed parakeet
white-tailed kite
wood stork
worm-eating warbler
yellow-throated vireo
yellow-throated warbler

As it stands we only have 73 species ( photographed while ebird has almost 185 species reported from Friday to Monday!

There are many many others missing from the list such as Yellow-headed blackbird (WINK WINK LARRY MANFREDI) so feel free to add whatever you like. Miami is currently in 27th place behind Denver, Baltimore, and Pittsburgh with 777 species total (including all living organisms-- not only birds).

A side note: images of cultivated/landscaped plants and pets are not really suited for the website, it's meant to showcase organisms that are naturally found in a given place (including invasive species that spread on their own).

If you have any questions, you can e-mail me at


over 6 years ago

I photographed a Black-whiskered Vireo on Monday and submitted it via Inaturalist as part of DERM's participation in the City Nature Challenge.

over 6 years ago

Hey Toe, I don't know why but it must've not gone through.

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