Bird Board

Deerfield Beach Tern Colony, Stewards Needed

I've included some photos of young Least Terns from the colony at Deerfield Beach, a bit south of the pier.

This sort of beach nesting by Least Terns is a rare event in SE Florida. I only recall it happening once before in the last 22 years.

Although there was limited access to the beach Saturday, a lot more people were there today. The area is roped off, but that is not enough. Volunteer stewards are needed to help protect the terns.

Please contact Ann Wiley 954-805-3355, for info and time coordination.

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Joe Barros
about 4 years ago


Great pictures. Very exciting to hear of the colony and the fact that this is a first to your knowledge in 20+ years. I hope that others Good luck to you and Ann. I only wish that I could join you.

Steven Kaplan
about 4 years ago

June-July 2013 there was a large nesting colony on the beach just north of Fort Lauderdale Inlet by Mayan Beach Club
They repeated the nesting there June-July 2017

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