Bird Board
Death of a pigeon
Posted by Penny McCrea
over 9 years ago
Some years back, I came across a freshly killed pigeon on the street outside my South Miami house. The curious thing was that it had been cleanly cut in two from tip to tail, just as if a machete had gone through it.
Any ideas about what happened? I've often pondered this.
Perhaps it flew into a very thin wire?
Was the head also cut in two, or just the body?
Maybe a machete did. Ever consider santeria? After all, it is Miami.
I don't remember about the head, but I'm beginning to think Santeria might be the answer. There were Santeros living down the street and the bird was on the bridge over the canal (right next to my house). On various occasions I've found offerings to the Orishas on the bank.
Thanks, Toe.
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