Bird Board
Crandon Beach 11/15
Posted by Nico Salino
about 9 years ago
Gannets flying very close to shore due to strong 25 mph Eastern winds. I was able to photograph a Franklin's Gull resting among Laughing Gulls.
I had a fleeting glimpse of a Red Knot foraging and managed to get a few pictures before the flock took to the air.
I have also seen some more common but unusual birds for this location such as Forster's Tern and Greater Yellowlegs.
Dear Nico: North or South Entrance please? Thank you.
The whole time I was on the beach I was doing a seawatch on lifeguard tower #10. The birds would congregate on either side of the tower. Winds have died down since the morning so it should be hard to spot gannets without a scope.
Was the use of the lifeguard station something with the park or do they tolerate birders doing that?
The park doesn't mind, I told them I was just watching birds and they were ok with it.
There was a Bonaparte's Gull hanging out with the Laughing Gulls around tower #10 too. Keep an eye out for it.
Congrats on all fronts, gents.
Red Breaster Merganser continues at Crandon. It was at Bear Cut this morning a little north of North Beach.
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