Bird Board

Connecticut warblers - Evergreen

There were two Connecticut warblers at the south end of Evergreen this morning (around 8:00 AM). They were in a Brazilian pepper tangle over the water, about 50 yards North of the fence.
Even without those, it was a lovely morning out there, I also found Parula, Cape May, Black-throated Blue (lots), Blackpoll(lots), Black-and-white(lots), Redstart(lots), Worm-eating, Ovenbird, N. Waterthrush, and Common Yellowthroat. There was a lovely Swainsons thrush at the South end too. I left feeling there was more to be seen.


Charlie Ewell
over 8 years ago

I relocated one of these Connecticut Warblers about middle-cemetery along the slope down to the water on the east side with an Ovenbird and a couple waterthrushes.

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