Bird Board

Close and personal with a Wilson's Storm-Petrel

Got a chance to try out the new camera/lens on pelagic the last two days. The D7200 with 80-400 lens is much heavier than my previous setup and takes some getting used to. Also, I've notice birds are not as easy to find in the viewfinder at 400mm as they were in 300! Still, when I do get on a bird the lens focused very fast. Conditions were especially challenging today, with stormy skies overhead and a nasty storm chop on the water. I did get some decent shots, including this one of a Wilson's Storm-Petrel. Wish I had another shot at a Fea's Petrel, this time with the new camera.

Wilson's Storm-Petrel


Rangel Diaz
over 7 years ago

Wow!! That's a great shot Toe! If only you knew someone with a boat to get you out for another Fea's...

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