Bird Board

Cattle egret in trouble?

Visiting from NY and noticed this cattle egret hanging out on a car since before 7pm. Almost 4 hours later and he hasn’t moved. No visible signs of injury but when approached he rather walks over the car slipping, vs. flying. I have seen him fly short distances. Called a couple rehabbers and folks don’t seem too concerned. I realize this is urban wildlife in south Florida and they aren’t afraid of people; and oftentimes wait around for food but this seemed odd, after dark and he’s alone.

He’s in front of Maurice Gibb Park at Purdy and Dade / near Venetian Causeway - roughly in front of 1701 Purdy Ave. if anyone would like to go by. I would love any advice or intel. Thanks!



Jay Keller
over 4 years ago

It was more than likely fine, and probably hunting insects attracted to the cars under the lights. I see them standing on cars fairly often here and are not too concerned with human presence.

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