Bird Board

Castellow Hammock

Hello TAS Bird Boards. You may have known my father, Jim, who was an avid poster on this board and conducted the Greynolds Park walks for some time. I wanted you all to know that Castellow Hammock has been staffed once again after being almost abandoned the past few years. I manage the site along with two other naturalists. We are keeping an eye out for Hummingbirds and have been seeing plenty of others. Today we had two Yellow-throated Warblers, a Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, as well as several juvenile Red-bellied Woodpeckers all bopping around in the large oak just outside the nature center. There were more but this humidity kept fogging up my binoculars.


Brian Rapoza
about 5 years ago

Thanks for the Castellow update, Eric!

TAS kicks off its 2019-20 field trip season tomorrow morning with a bird walk at Greynolds Park, led by Luis Gles. Your dad was a mentor to Luis, so I'm elated that Luis has chosen to lead a bird walk in the park your dad loved so much. If you're available tomorrow, I invite you to join us.

Brian Rapoza
Field Trip Coordinator
Tropical Audubon Society

Eric King
about 5 years ago

Thank you, Brian. I'm so glad Luis is doing those walks. Perfect fit. I would've loved to come today but we were swamped with cleaning and organizing at Castellow.

Robin McLendon Diaz
about 5 years ago

Congratulations, Eric! Castellow will be in its glory again under your supervision. I agree with you, Luis is a perfect fit for Greynolds bird walks. He is also continuing in your Dad's footsteps as a volunteer at the Cape Florida Banding Station.

Eric King
about 5 years ago

Robin, thank you! Please come by and see us soon.

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