Bird Board

C-111E Canal -- Brown-crested and Least Flycatcher (1/29)

A nice morning at C-111E Canal with the cooler, sunny weather. Although birds were not exactly vocal, I still managed to see a nice variety of species that were previously reported. I explored this area via the west side of the canal.

Highlights included:

A male Wilson's Warbler skulked into view with a couple gnatcatchers in a dense thicket of Brazilian Pepper, about 200m south of the entrance of the west side of the canal.

About 900m beyond that, I encountered my first Brown-crested Flycatcher. Very vocal although not easily seen this morning.

A Least Flycatcher in the shrubby willows of the Holiday Hammock Preserve (as denoted on Google Maps). Maybe about 400-500m beyond the first Brown-crested. There was a second Brown-crested Flycatcher calling from the same area as the least, but the high water and dense vegetation made it impossible to get a visual.

Full eBird list below.

C-111E Canal eBird Checklist


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