Bird Board

Burrowing Owls @ Florida Atlantic University

RFI. I know this had been addressed a couple of years ago, but I'm looking for more recent info.
My wife and I will be in the area from Jan 15th-18th and wondering if we can get more details about where we can see the owls near FAU. It looks like they have been seen on New Year's Day, as posted on eBird. Can one park in Parking Lot #5 off of Palm Beach Avenue and be relatively close to the birds?
Thanks so much!


Susan Young
over 4 years ago

Yes that is a very good spot to see the owls. Actually, just drive along the fence in that parking area, and you can see them easily from the car. Good luck!

Larry Federman
over 4 years ago

Thanks, Susan! I saw your name on eBird listings and appreciate your reply! I hope a scope isn't necessary.
I was looking up some other rarities and saw Loggerhead Shrike and Snail Kite at Loxahatchee. We were down there Feb 2017 and saw a Snail Kite on Bob West road (thanks to a tip from a birder we met at Loxahatchee) but would love another viewing.
Also saw your post and list from Wakadohatchee - we love that site! In doing my research, I had to make a correction to my Purple Gallinule Id - we had them plus the Grey Swamphen, which I thought was another plumage of Purple Gallinule. Also, I think a pic I identified as DC Cormorant might indeed be a Neotropic.
In any case, we'll be going for the owls at FAU, and visiting Loxahatchee and Wakadohatchie. This is before we head down to Marathon for 5 days before heading back to upstate NY.
Thanks again!

Larry Federman
over 4 years ago

Susan, may I pick your brain when we're in FL - would love to continue the conversation via email.
I know time is valuable and I understand if you're busy.
I'm a former National Audubon Education Coordinator for 3 Hudson valley, NY sanctuaries and love to network with folks. I still lead walks and give talks in my area - it's in my blood!
Thanks for your consideration.

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