Bird Board

Buffleheads at Wakodahatchee!?

I spotted a trio of small ducks far off in the water at Wakodahatchee today - they were a good few hundred yards away, so I had to use all of my 600mm equivalent reach and about 80% cropping to identify them. I thought at first they were hooded mergansers as they appeared mostly black and white and had that white slash around the head. But on getting home and looking at them blown up on the screen, the bills were too large and the white was in the wrong spot. The only other bird I could find that seemed to be a match was the bufflehead...but I've never seen a bufflehead down here and haven't heard of them down here either. I've attached photos to get a confirmation.

39c78e70e7244307992feaf4014b948a E40c3df2074f44cf8baf2cbcbc979363 208bdb6a62194636a3b405dfaed57a9c 7bbe0e5dd959406f995134ce2e733fc5


Brian Rapoza
over 4 years ago

Definitely female Buffleheads.

Justin Miller
over 4 years ago

Thanks Brian. Those are a first for me. Very cool to see them down this way...I just wish they came closer!

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