Bird Board

Buff-bellied Hummingbird

Buff-bellied Hummingbird seen this morning at castellow hammock.


Jeanette Rawls
almost 7 years ago

Great!!! I had a feeling it would appear...Although the Pavonia Bahamensis shrub was tilted towards it's was loaded with blooms..Many Flirebush shrubs were even uprooted..and on their sides...but still blooming..and green..the Chinese Hat Plant..was still very full and green and starting to bloom...

Brian Rapoza
almost 7 years ago

The Buff-bellied Hummingbird was still present this afternoon. It appears to prefer the same bush on the west side of the butterfly garden as it has the past two years (that assumes, of course, that it's the same bird).

Homer Gardin
almost 7 years ago

Had great sightings of the Buff-Bellied Hummingbird today. Thanks all for the heads up, it's a 'lifer' for me.
Beautiful little bird hanging out in front of the butterfly, hummingbird garden away from the very aggressive swarm of Ruby Throated Hummers.

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