Bird Board

brown crested location

I am a central Florida birder who will be making a short birding trip to S. FL this weekend. I would like to see (or at least hear) the Brown-crested Flycatcher(s) near the ENP entrance. Could someone give me tips or directions to a precise location to start my search? Also, is time of day important? I am also going to try to hear a Black Rail along the Coastal Prairie trail at Flamingo. Any suggestions for this bird (Besides "good luck!"). Thanks in advance for any assistance. Doug


over 7 years ago

Not sure about the Brown Cresteds, but I believe a couple were seen along the C111E canal. This is the first canal after you pass Benito Juarez Park on the main road to ENP. You can walk along the south bank in the morning an listen.

As to the rails, You need to be at the entrance to the Coastal Prairie Trail just before dawn. Walk through the hammock portion of the trail until it opens up. Walk north from here into the open prairie and listen. This area is dominated by saltwort (Batis maritima). They can be anywhere from this spot west to the three Black Mangroves in the middle of the prairie. Don't be surprised if you hear them calling right next to you.

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