Bird Board

Broward Weston, Vireo ID help

Date: July 17 2021.
Location: Weston Regional Park Broward. Along the trail at the Southern border of the Park.
Vireo was territorial with regards to the warblers. Heard possible vireo calls in area could not ID or even if was from this bird. Bit early for Red-Eye but since this park is not birded that often or even this Southern trail, I dont know when the bird arrived. Have not ruled out a drab Yellow-Green vireo. Ebird link to photos
Any help appreceated since I have no prior experience with Yellow-Green Vireos. Thanks Steven


Brian Rapoza
almost 3 years ago

It looks like a Red-eyed Vireo to me. Yellow-green Vireo would show considerable yellow on the flanks.

Steven Kaplan
almost 3 years ago

Thanks for the ID help. Steven

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