Bird Board

Broward update post storm

Plantation Preserve: Relatively many American Redstarts and Ovenbirds. Several more Black & Whites and Northern Waterthrush. An Eastern Kingbird and a Ruby-throated Hummingbird made an appearance. Spoonbill was not seen today but it might have been on the Golf course and the linear trail. Later in the afternoon someone else had several Northern Waterthrush.
NW Corner of Broward: Reports show the arrival of some regular shorebirds, many Redstarts several Ovenbirds and the usual warblers seen the past several weeks including a Yellow Warbler. A Ruby-throated Hummingbird and Great-crested Flycatcher were there as was 50-70 Eastern Kingbirds.
John Lloyd: Friday there was the Whimbrels, I almost went today but did not risk the weather. Two brave souls did and had a Marbled Godwit.


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