Bird Board

Broad-billed Hummingbird, Collier County 2/9/16

Just had this post pointed out to me by Josh Friers. Here's the link to the page,

For those who may not be able to see it, here's what they wrote:

"It was at Freedom Park on Golden Gate Pkwy. I was standing to the left of the main building and I actually heard him before seeing him. He flew in quickly and left fairly quickly."

Good luck to anyone chasing!


Rangel Diaz
over 8 years ago

Here is more information and a photo of the BBIH by Marie McCoop (

"On the left as you face the building, from the parking lot. There are benches and tables, it's close to the parking lot. It flew into a small tree there. The tree didn't have much foliage. You might be able to determine what type of tree it was by looking at the photo. This is a better copy of the photo.

Myself and another person were standing there near the railing when I heard and then saw it. I was able to get one good photo before it flew off. The other person was able to get a shot also."

Freedom Park is in Naples, Florida (Collier County).

Here is more information and a photo of the BBIH by Marie McCoop.

"On the left as you face the building, from the parking lot. There are benches and tables, it's close to the parking lot. It flew into a small tree there. The tree didn't have much foliage. You might be able to determine what type of tree it was by looking at the photo. This is a better copy of the photo.

Myself and another person were standing there near the railing when I heard and then saw it. I was able to get one good photo before it flew off. The other person was able to get a shot also."

Freedom Park is in Naples, Florida (Collier County).

Broad-billed Hummingbird by Marie McCoop

[url=][img][/img][/url][url=]Broad-billed Hummingbird by Marie McCoop[/url] by [url=]Rangel Diaz[/url], on Flickr

Rangel Diaz
over 8 years ago

Update posted by Arthur Sissman on the SW Florida Bird Alert FaceBook page,

"Broad-billed Hummingbird seen by 2 birders this morning at about 8:22 am. in Freedom Park, Naples FL Broad-billed hummingbird seen at coordinates 26.1743000, -81.7845212 (26°10'27.4794',
-81°47'4.2750'): 1515 Golden Gate Pkwy, Naples, FL 34105,
19.328 ft in vegetation facing N along railing. Seen as a purley random sighting as the bird appeared in the binos of each birders for approximately 1.9378 seconds while scanning for another bird. BBHummer disappeared in to nearby green vegitation and was not seen again, though 5 birders looked for the BBHU for another 14.328 seconds. Nothing more to report. Several experienced birders looked for the BBHU in Freedom Park later in the day with no known success."

over 8 years ago

So is this a case of a 1.9378 second wonder?

Ron Smith
over 8 years ago

It might have been 2 seconds but they blinked !

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