Bird Board

Blackburnian warbler at Green Cay, and wood ducks

Saturday, mixed in with a fairly good number of other warblers including Cape May, black-throated blue, blackpoll, american redstart, and northern parula, was what I'm pretty sure was a male blackburnian warbler. The light was horrible, but I took a few shots and then worked on trying to brighten them enough for an's not the prettiest shot, but I think it confirms a blackburnian. Please excuse the colors and sharpness - it's an extreme crop and has been brightened about 6 stops so the colors may not be captured accurately.

Also a nice sighting for Green Cay was a family of wood ducks - male and female with 8 ducklings...they were at the northwest corner of the boardwalk.



over 9 years ago


Brian Fedak
over 9 years ago

Nice find Justin, I could not relocate the bird the same day, unfortunately.

Justin Miller
over 9 years ago

No luck for me on two more passes by that spot Saturday, and was out there again Sunday and didn't see it...seems it was passing through briefly or hides very well. Likely got tired of being chased by blue jays.

For anyone looking, it was just past the chickee hut entering from the south side in that tree canopy - pass the chickee hut, through the palms, make the slight left kink in the boardwalk, and about 20 feet past there's a large shade tree with berries - this is where most of the warblers have been congregating the past 3 weekends I've been there.

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