Bird Board

Black-throated Gray Warbler at Evergreen

Black-throated Gray Warbler found this morning at Evergreen Cemetery. Located in the norther central part of the cemetery. This warbler was found at the end of my visit on my walk back to the car. It hopped around from branch to branch and then moved to another tree before I lost it. It was a bright end to an otherwise slow visit. Two-thirds of the visit spent in light rain.

I will post later a photo on my ebird checklist. Photo is not great, but diagnostic with small yellow square in front of eye clearly visible.


Andy Kratter
almost 8 years ago

Great find! The FOS Records Committee recently added Black-Throated Gray Warbler to the review list of rare species. It would be great if you could submit the photos and fill out the FOSRC form for this record. Note, the FOSRC form will generate an error message, but I will still be able to download the files from the server.

Andy Kratter
Secretary, FOSRC

Jeanne Kaufman
almost 8 years ago

Great spotting and photos, Alan. Congratulations!

Alan Seelye-James
almost 8 years ago

Thank you Jeannne. I hope others get to see it before it leaves town. Thank you Andy, I will fill out the form this week.

Alan Seelye-James
almost 8 years ago

Hello Andy, I completed the FOSRC form for this record. Let me know if you have an email address where I can ask a clarifying questions. Thanks. Alan

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