Bird Board

Black-legged Kittiwake - NO; Western Spindalis - YES 12/8

Ben Woodard and I looked for the Black-legged Kittiwake at Lake Worth late this morning. For the hour or so that we were there we did not see the kittiwake. Black Scoters, Red-breasted Mergansers, Common Loons and Northern Gannets were all seen from the pier on multiple occasions. A distant jaeger chasing a Royal Tern way offshore looked very Pomarine-like.

We stopped at Snook Island on Lake Worth very briefly and had several American Oystercatchers working the oyster bars.

The Western Spindalis showed well at Markham Park in Broward County. It was associating with several Spot-breasted Orioles west of the dog park. We had twelve warbler species at the Markham, as well.



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