Bird Board

Black-faced Grassquit @ Long Key SP continues

Hi all,

We spent a wonderful day at Long Key SP and the middle keys yesterday. We weren't at the park in search of the Zenaida Dove, but did confirm that it was seen in the morning. We were there in search of our friend Dixie's 811th ABA bird, the Black-faced Grassquit!

We accessed the campground area via the beach as rangers indicated this would be allowed. We walked along seeing Palm and Yellow-rumped Warblers as well as a Painted Bunting which kept the excitement going, tide was high so shorebirds weren't on the beach. Not long after beginning our search we heard the Grassquit vocalize near site 32, so we began to concentrate our efforts here. About twenty minutes later Mariel spotted the Grassquit in a Sea Grape between sties 36-37. It wasn't long before it came down for some great looks! We soaked in the moment and got a few photos before high fives were shared and moved on to let the bird forage :)

Now that our target bird was in the bag, we walked the Golden Orb Trail, spending time in search of Key West Quail-Dove without success. Talked to a few birders who had seen the Zenaida Dove and hit the road for Bahia Honda SP. At Bahia we found some Least Sandpipers, Ruddy Turnstones, Sanderlings and Willet on the remaining flats. Winds had picked up by this time and passerines were hard to find, although we heard our share of singing Northern Parula and Prairie Warblers. We did have success with butterflies along the Silver Palm Trail, Martial Scrub-Hairstreak and Mangrove Skippers being the highlights along with a very active hummingbird moth!

Ohio Key was next, here we found a nice variety of shorebirds, terns and gulls along with a Great White Heron. A few Short-billed Dowitchers were beginning to look sharp as were some Least Sandpipers. Clouds had begun to move in by this time so we decided to pack it up and head home. On our way back home we came across a beautiful dark morph Short-tailed Hawk and later a perched Broad-winged Hawk just outside Long Key SP.

A beautiful sunset was enjoyed after seeing some great birds with wonderful friends Gill and Dixie. It's always a wonderful day when you are in the Florida Keys!

Nature is Awesome
Angel & Mariel


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