Bird Board

Bill Sadowski Park

Stopped at 5:00 this afternoon looking for something to use for Bird-A-Day. I was hoping for a warbler since I've only used a couple of species so far. Any common warbler would do, such as ovenbird, redstart, BTB, cape may, common yellowthroat, and many others. I walked the nature trail and checked all other parts of the park and across the street. I found NOTHING! Nada, zilch, zippo, zero, nilt, naught, the big goose egg, a supermassive black hole of birds! In bird banding code, it would go down as a BFNO, or Big Fat Nothing! I then went to Cutler Wetlands where I found a Tricolored Heron. Whoopie! I haven't used this one yet. Luckily, since there was little else except some Black-necked Stilts. These continuing strong east winds will make it tough to find any significant number of migrants. The winds are forecast to continue for at least a week. Bad timing, since the city nature challenge takes place from the 14th to the 18th.


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