Bird Board

Bill Sadowski 1/11 - Yet another Nashville Warbler!

Lunchtime birding paid off when I spotted a female Nashville Warbler foraging just above eye level in the trees to the left of the nature trail entrance, behind the buildings and next to where they store the canoes. The Nashville was associating with a smaill flock which included several Northern Parulas, Yellow-rumpeds, a black-and-white, and a couple of Blue-gray Gnatcatchers.

This is the 14th Nashville Warbler reported in Miami-Dade County since December (see eBird). Most of these birds are still being seen.

Good job folks! Go out there and bird, find me something good. If you don't I'll find it for you.

"El sol me salio y me canto"
- Rock Jetty circa 2005, at midnight, after birding for 24 hours straight


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