Bird Board

Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park: 2-20-17

I spent about seven hours today at Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park on Key Biscayne. No sign of the Kirtland's Warbler anywhere, including at the spot where it had been seen last week, which I checked twice. I also didn't see any other birders during my exploration of the park.

The two most interesting birds seen during my visit were both found in the lighthouse area at the south end of the park. First, a Brown-crested Flycatcher, which repeatedly gave it's "whit" call on two different occasions. I got only brief glimpses of the bird, though. Second, a Louisiana Waterthrush, which I saw around the old footbridges that cross the canal in the interior of the lighthouse area.

A link to my eBird checklist for today's visit is below.

eBird Checklist


Paddy Cunningham
over 7 years ago


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