Bird Board

Baird's Sandpiper on CR 827 - Bolles Canal, Palm Beach County

While scouting for the TAS Everglades Agricultural Area in Palm Beach County with Kevin Sarsfield, an adult Baird's Sandpiper was seen on Sunday, August 14, 2016, feeding in a mud puddle in a recently flooded sugarcane field on CR 827 - Bolles Canal in Palm Beach County. It was larger than the adjacent Least Sandpiper and had a straight black bill and black legs, a white eye-line, finely streaked breast, white throat, long primary extensions, buffy color tones throughout and white-feather-edging on the scapulars. It fed in a horizontal position about 20 yards north of the road offering great scope views.

Other notable highlights were Fulvous and Black-bellied Whistling Ducks, Pectoral Sandpiper and Black and Gull-billed Terns on Gladeview Road and 6 male Yellow Warblers on Brown's Farm Road.

A total of 60 species were seen including 12 shorebird species and five year-birds.

Life is we hoisted a tasty Trappist Belgian Ale as our celebratory libation.


about 8 years ago

Nice find! I mean the Trappist Ale. Which brew was it? The Bairds is a great find too.

Paul Bithorn
about 8 years ago

The Belgian Trappist Ale was a Saint Martin Brune brewed by Brasserie De BruneHaut in the Dubbel style. It clocks in at a healthy 8.0 A.B.V. Wicked good.............

David Hall
about 8 years ago

Where is Gladeview Rd. I can't seem to find it on any map or on any of my navigational programs?

Paul Bithorn
about 8 years ago

David, The location for Gladeview Road is in South Florida Birding Locations. Scroll to Palm Beach County and then to Everglades Agricultural Areas and you'll have excellent instructions to get there. It is a dirt road and may not be marked. Good luck.

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