Bird Board

Audubon Christmas Bird Count on Social Media Guide

Thanks to those of you Citizen Scientists who will participate in the Audubon Society Christmas Bird Count this year, in its various South Florida locations and categories.

Thank you to those of you who will help your friends, family and colleagues connect with our beautiful birds, their migrating friends-- and the important habitat through posting photos and updates on social media.

A Charlie Harper Illustration is available on the link provided in this post. There is a link for email, one for facebook and one for twitter-ready images you can use.

Please post pictures of the count, people working, having fun as well as bird and landscape/habitat pictures on social media.

Tag TAS: @TropicalAudubon
Hashtags: #TASBirding #AudubonCBC
Hashtags Instagram: #bird #birder #birding #TASBirding #TropicalAudubonSociety #AudubonCBC #NoworNeverglades (for Everglades related posts) #thisiswhywelivehere #livelikeyoulivehere

Sample Tweets/Facebook Posts & Instagram intros:

I am participating in the Audubon Christmas Bird Count Dec.14-31 this year: Find a count near you today- it's for the birds! #AudubonCBC

Here's a great pic from #AudubonCBC today! We counted X# of BIRD SPECIES HERE : (photo)

Thank you again for your service as a Citizen Scientist/ Citizen Documentarian.

Please email me or tweet to me with questions:
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