Bird Board

Ash-throated Flycatcher: Cape Florida

Yesterday Nico Salino found an interesting Myiarchus in the Youth Camp Area of Bill Baggs Cape Florida SP. The description seemed to fit Ash-throated Flycatcher so I relocated it early today (11/12). I got a good look before the bird flew off to the northwest. It gave two "KIP" calls and a soft "kibrik" before it left. Nico's telephone photos show diagnostic field marks, including dark tips to the undertail.

Park in No Name Harbor parking area and walk back east to enter the Youth Camp Area. Birders are allowed to survey the camp area past the first white gate but no one is allowed past the second white gate that says "No Trespassing."

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Eloso Coddence
almost 9 years ago

Way to go, Nico. Clearly your efforts in helping your sister with her test about "The Big Year" have paid off! S;-)

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