Bird Board

Arctic Terns (2) at Quarry Lake

After finding a couple of Semipalmated Sandpipers and some Least at Dump Marsh, I decided to check out the quarry lake on 107 AVE for some terns. At first I didn't see anything, but then I saw a small tern off in the distance. I thought to myself "darn if that isn't an Arctic Tern". It took some heavy walking to get close, but I along with a few others that joined me confirmed that in fact there were 2 Arctic Terns. Larry, Noah, Nico, Miriam, Dan and Carlos all walked out to get a closer look, while Trey drove up to the NW corner of the lake and had one fly right in front of him. The lake is located on SW 107 Ave and 268 St.

Arctic Tern


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