Bird Board

An uncommon county bird

It's not often I get to pick up a county bird, and even less often one that's a county bird for Larry M as well. We did a really short notice pelagic trip yesterday with what seemed like a good forecast, but turned out to be much rougher conditions. We started out off Elliot Key and the strong north current took us past Fowey Rocks light. While off Fowey in 750' of water we drifted upon a Red Phalarope that was very cooperative. Unlike their relative the Red-necked Phalarope, which migrates past our shores to waters farther south, and is sometimes seen inland during migration, the Red Phalaropes typically winter much farther north off the Atlantic Coast. This was my first in the county, although I've seen it off Jacksonville. It was a life bird for some on board. We also had Brown Booby in good numbers, Audubon Shearwaters, Pomarine Jaeger, and another jaeger that stayed to far to ID.

Red Phalarope


Eloso Coddence
almost 9 years ago

Nice. Thanks for sharing. Learned from it.

Rangel Diaz
almost 9 years ago

Still no county Masked Booby for me... a thousand forks when all you need is a spoon...

Dotty Robbins
almost 9 years ago

Toe, I thought you were going to say some in the vein of "It's not often I pick up a county bird, but when I do...."

Go ahead and fill in the blank, I know you want to!

almost 9 years ago

I like to live vicariously, through myself.

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