Bird Board

AD Barnes and question on reptile

I birded Barnes this morning looking for the Nashville Warbler that Jack found yesterday. While I couldn't relocate the Nashville, there was a nice group of birds around that included the 3 vireo species and a number of warblers including Black-throated Green, Magnolia, and Worm-eating.

Around the cabins I saw a tiny, thin brown snake that was a uniform light brown color with a light blackish patch near the eye. Based on pictures I think it might have been a Florida Brown Snake, does this sound reasonable for the area.

Coincidentally I saw another similar sized snake, the Southern Ringneck Snake in the same area a couple months ago.


Alex Harper
almost 9 years ago

This sounds good for Florida Brown Snake. Did you see any patterning at all on the back? Most have two lines running down the back.


Matt Anderson
almost 9 years ago

Sounds like a brown snake. They are common in most of south Florida, but they can be really secretive so not always easy to find. Barnes park is good habitat for both ringnecks and brown snakes, also check out juvenile Black Racers they are probably the most common snake in urban Miami-Dade.


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