Bird Board

AD Barnes 9/9

Lots of activity at AD Barnes this morning, led by 13 species of warblers including Swainson's, Chestnut-sided, Prothonotary, and Louisiana Waterthrush. Also seen were Eastern Kingbirds, Chuck-will's-widow, and Yellow-throated Vireo. A full list was posted to eBird.

Hope everything stays for next week's walk!


Luis Gonzalez
about 6 years ago

Was the Waterthrush in the brushy area between the small pond and the buildings where the Ovenbirds usually congregate? I saw a Waterthrush yesterday in the afternoon but I wrote it off as a Northern Waterthrush due to it being more common in the park during migration.
If it was in that area, please tell me so I can change my eBird list, thank you in advance.

Bill Boeringer
about 6 years ago

LAWA was on trail near boardwalk. NOWAs were on trail near old butterfly garden, and in the area you describe above.

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