Bird Board

10/29 Hugh Taylor Birch S.P. and YES!! Variegated Flycatcher at Evergreen Cemetery

Hey Y'all ;
I last saw THE Flycatcher around 5:15 with several other birders in the original " Magic Ficus " . Great views were had by all. I saw it earlier in the same spot (around 2 ) and later around 4 over the start of the deadend leading to the Huizenga family mausoleum.So it does wander a bit.Several of us searched both spots between 4:30 and 5ish before it was refound in the original spot so don't give up too soon . In birding perseverence can payoff.Nice to meet all of you and kudos to the Great work done by the people at Cape Florida Banding Station .Great bird Russ Titus.!!! Elsewhere on the property I found Pine Warbler and flushed a Dark -morph Short Tailed Hawk from the Australian Pines on the east side. It flew up and soared up up and aWaayy ..Lots of Parulas and Palms a few Black-throated Blues a Black and White a few Redstarts a Cape May a Prairie.At Birch I had a Black-throated Green .Still 7 species of warbler in the Big Ficus at the north end .
Good Birding .. 10 species of warbler and a lifer Code 5 rarity. not bad...


Simon Harvey
almost 9 years ago

Myself and Wayne Forsythe were there from 7:20 until 8:30. The bird was favoring the smaller trees close to the ficus. We saw Magnolia Warbler and both Tanagers as well as the birds mentioned.
Thanks to the finders and all the good updates from the community on this great bird. The 12 hour drive home was easy given the successful chase.

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