Bird Board

1/4/20 Coot Bay-Everglades National Park CBC Summary

A total of 22, 612 individuals of 121 species (123 taxa) were tallied by 27 participants during the 69th annual Coot Bay-Everglades National Park Christmas Bird Count on January 4. A Canada Goose, of unknown provenance but documented with photographs, was new for this count. Other unusual species included Bufflehead, Limpkin, Lesser Nighthawk, Yellow-breasted Chat and Chipping Sparrow. New high counts were obtained for Magnificent Frigatebird, Brown Pelican, Clapper Rail and Northern Flicker.

Here are the totals:
Canada Goose-1
Blue-winged Teal-15
Green-winged Teal-154
Lesser Scaup-1
Pied-billed Grebe-1
Horned Grebe (count week)
Wood Stork-26
Magnificent Frigatebird-45
Double-crested Cormorant-1730
American White Pelican-2650
Brown Pelican-2075
American Bittern-3
Great Blue Heron (Blue morph)-133
Great Blue Heron (White morph)-191
Great Blue Heron (Wurdemann's)-4
Great Egret-152
Snowy Egret-500
Little Blue Heron-335
Tricolored Heron-64
Reddish Egret-17
Cattle Egret-20
Green Heron-49
Black-crowned Night-Heron-20
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron-7
White Ibis-900
Glossy Ibis-3
Roseate Spoonbill-153
Black Vulture-94
Turkey Vulture-400
Northern Harrier-4
Cooper's Hawk-1
Bald Eagle-14
Red-shouldered Hawk-61
Broad-winged Hawk-2
Short-tailed Hawk-1
Clapper Rail-8
Common Gallinule (count week)
Black-necked Stilt-9
American Avocet-48
Black-bellied Plover-36
Wilson's Plover-33
Semipalmated Plover-40
Spotted Sandpiper-22
Greater Yellowlegs-5
Lesser Yellowlegs-3
Long-billed Curlew-1
Marbled Godwit-76
Ruddy Turnstone-27
Least Sandpiper-6500
Western Sandpiper-1750
Short-billed Dowitcher-90
Laughing Gull-600
Ring-billed Gull-16
Lesser Black-backed Gull-15
Gull-billed Tern-2
Caspian Tern-49
Forster's Tern-65
Royal Tern-725
Sandwich Tern-27
Black Skimmer (count week)
White-crowned Pigeon-7
Common Ground Dove-6
Eastern Screech-Owl-2
Barred Owl-7
Lesser Nighthawk-3
Ruby-throated Hummingbird-5
Belted Kingfisher-29
Red-bellied Woodpecker-112
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker-9
Downy Woodpecker-4
Northern Flicker-9
Pileated Woodpecker-17
American Kestrel-4
Peregrine Falcon-3
Eastern Phoebe-22
Great Crested Flycatcher-28
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher-3
White-eyed Vireo-43
Blue-headed Vireo-4
Blue Jay-6
American Crow-180
Tree Swallow-200
House Wren-12
Carolina Wren-2
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher-160
Ruby-crowned Kinglet (count week)
Gray Catbird-130
Northern Mockingbird-34
European Starling-113
Northern Waterthrush-38
Black-and-white Warbler-20
Common Yellowthroat-190
American Redstart-14
Cape May Warbler-2
Northern Parula-18
Magnolia Warbler-1
Yellow Warbler-8
Black-throated Blue Warbler-3
Palm Warbler-60
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle)-22
Yellow-throated Warbler-16
Prairie Warbler-30
Yellow-breasted Chat-1
Chipping Sparrow-3
Savannah Sparrow-3
Northern Cardinal-24
Indigo Bunting-7
Painted Bunting-3
Red-winged Blackbird-115
Common Grackle-75
Boat-tailed Grackle-1
Baltimore Oriole-1
American Goldfinch-16

Thanks to the following participants for making these results possible:
Sue Alspach, Carlos Bernal, Ryan Bernal, Bill Boeringer, John Boyd, Kevin Christman, Michelle Davis, Alison Enchelmaier, Pete Frezza, Liz Golden, Ashley Goncalves, Luis Gonzalez, Laurie Householder, Louis Lindner, Bonnie Masdeu, Claire Nemes, Bob Pace, Alice Pace, Jeanette Rawls, Michelle Robinson, Amy Roda, David Schaffter, Juan Valadez, Kevin Welsh, Jeff White and Andrew Wyatt Smith.


Brian Rapoza
over 4 years ago

I inadvertently left Least Flycatcher off the list. I also need to remove Limpkin from the list.

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