Bird Board

1/28/17 TAS Wakodahatchee/Green Cay Walk

Nine enthusiastic birders joined me on a very chilly morning. While waiting for others to arrive, I observed Monk Parakeets on a pole on Jog Road and many Wood Storks flying about. Inside we were treated to many nest-constructing Wood Storks, some half grown Great Blue Herons, nesting Anhingas, Cattle Egrets and Cormorants (no Neotropics). A lone Black-bellied Whistling Duck continuously flew over calling loudly for company which he later got, but only a few friends turned up. White-winged Doves were very plentiful, at least 10 were perched in a Cypress warming up. The usual suspects were found, less Snowy Egret. But we had TW0 Solitary Sandpipers close to each other. Gray-headed Swamphens and Purple Gallinules were also present. And we closed with Royal Terns flying over.
At Green Cay the front feeders were hopping with Painted Buntings, at least 4 each male and female. Northern Rough-winged Swallows and Tree Swallows were fairly plentiful, no Martins. A Limpkin was heard but not seen. Some saw an American Bittern fly into the reeds in front of us, but I missed it. There was a beautiful Merlin atop a snag; 2 Roseate Spoonbills flew in to perch in the Cypress and we had a close up Brown Thrasher from one of the back chickee huts. Purple Gallinules and Gray-headed Swamp Hens were also tallied. After the last chickee area we came upon at least 8 Sora and one Least Bittern - seen by all. There was also a female Shoveler amongst the few Blue-winged Teal and Mottled Ducks. In the Cypress area, we encountered Pine, Myrtle, Palm, Black & White and Yellow-throated Warblers along with Gnatcatchers and a Blue-headed Vireo. A Red-shouldered Hawk was perched above the feeders when we were leaving. The Painted Buntings kept warily feeding and the hawk did make a plunge for them, but missed.
Six of us had lunch at Morakami Gardens.
Nearing the turnpike we added one Egyptian Goose and a flyover Brown Pelican.
All in all a pretty darn good day, nippy as it was.


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